About the
The Oli-eli Studio (four syllables to pronounce with a french accent "o-li-eu-li") is a multi-skilled and creative photography studio based on a Paris area. It's came from the mind of Olivier Koestel , a foodie enthusiast and object addict growing up in the Food universe for 8 years by now and always passionate about photography and design but also, pastry and cuisine for sure.
Focused on Food at th very beginning, by now, he appreciates equally to put lights on young artisan's works or loves challenging himself to sublimate products from little brand of Food...or not, but always with an human scale and an ethic dimension...leading to a real dynamism and enthusiasm for creating unique and 200% validated content.
To set up a collaboration, organized a shooting session or simply for asking questions related to the support of project, get in touch with the studio right now through contact form below.
The studio offers a full range of services, tailor-made, where all participants usually present on a shooting are brought together within the same entity, thus creating more fluidity and coherence.
Why multi-skilled an creative? Through Food and Still Life photographs, set design but also by creating tailor-made recipes (salty or sugary) and Art direction, Olivier likes transcribe the vision and attention to detail of his clients as accurately as possible, by creating sensitive atmosphere, deeply unique, minimalist most of the time, modern without any doubts.
With Food design and its global approach in mind, the founder of the studio is inspired by this methodology to apply it to all facets of the projects he manages in order to be more creative & better serve the different demands of his clients.
Oli eli
Oli eli
Oli eli
Hot stuff
and new...
4 mantras
Our services
The gathering between several fields of expertise that complement and mix each other,giving birth to
the studio's ambition.
Tailor-made recipes
A need for a specific recipe to create an unique atmosphere with your product... The studio takes care of everything (cooking, pastry, baking, ice cream, Food design...).
Art direction
The pillars: coherence, uniqueness and innovation. The studio accompanies you in your project from A to Z in order to reveal beauty, transcribe your values or bring added value to your storytelling.
Food and Still Life photography
With a sharp eye on Food and Still Life, the studio highlights your everyday objects, sugary or salty, in the most relevant and attractive way.
Set design
Why this set design term? Because it encompasses both the so-called Food styling and a more advanced setup. Thus, the studio draws the best of both worlds to create its own style.